Did you mean: first与first value
The firstValue function calculates the first value of the aggregated measure or dimension partitioned and sorted by specified attributes.
FirstValue() returns the value that was loaded first from the records defined by the expression, sorted by a group by clause. Information noteThis function is ...
Jan 27, 2021 · 楼上例子很经典,但补充两点: 1. 使用DISTINCT与不使用DISTINCT,对FIRST_VALUE函数是有区别的,使用DISTINCT的FIRST_VALUE函数效果等类似于SQL ...
Jan 4, 2024 · Returns the first value in an ordered set of values. Transact-SQL syntax conventions. Syntax. FIRST_VALUE ( [ scalar_expression ] ) [ IGNORE ...
FIRST_VALUE is an analytic function. It returns the first value in an ordered set of values. If the first value in the set is null, then the function ...
What do you mean with not working? The FirstValue should work in any case and deliver something. Is the result Null or something else? The GROUP BY already ...
Given an ordered set of rows, FIRST_VALUE returns the value of the specified expression with respect to the first row in the window frame.
6 days ago · Returns the first column of the first row of the table table or a specified default value. Feedback. Was this page helpful?
The FIRST_VALUE window function allows for getting the value of an expression evaluated on the first row of the window. SELECT ID, first_value(ID) OVER ...